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Guiding Principles

The United Community Party is focused on addressing local issues with a moderate and measured approached being guided by its four guiding principles:

Rise Above Divisive Politics

It is time to bring people together in the face of alienation created by partisanship.  We are stronger when we work together and find solutions as a community. The moral fiber of our ability to cooperate is to respect individuality and a person’s thoughts and effort. We rise above divisive politics by recognizing passion and dedication exhibited by any individual contribution to the community. We draw from our merits and accomplishments and seek leadership positions through displaying honor and respect for others.

Achieve Balanced Growth

A Balanced Growth strategy is applied in many ways. First and foremost we promote the growth of the Grand List through the right mix of residential, commercial, and industrial development while protecting our natural resources. We support a balanced growth of our town budget by properly investing in both infrastructure and schools, while providing the right amount of town services that can be afforded. We offer as much attention and support to our small businesses as our largest employers. But most importantly, we take a balanced approach to preserving what makes South Windsor special and embracing change that ensures we are a sustainable community moving forward.

Support 21st Century Education

A strong and modern school system is critical for any thriving community. More than strong words and passionate speeches are required: successful schools need financial support that is competitive and reasonable. We understand that expanding and growing into 21st century learning is a priority and that requires commitment from leaders, families, and school staff. Our students should have facilities that meet the growing demand in population and technology. Within those schools we must have a faculty and administration representative of our diverse student population and they must feel the support and encouragement of our community.

Unite Through Community Service

Volunteerism is the cornerstone to a united community. Community service may come in the form of holding elected or appointed positions, organizing or participating in community events, or simply offering individual acts of kindness. All efforts require offering our time and effort to the betterment of the community. We may have careers, families, personal and responsibilities and commitments that can feel overwhelming at times. Regardless, we sense the responsibility and commit a part of our lives to serve our community.

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